Monday, August 4, 2008

Welcome to the Terrier Team Blog

It has been a while since we started thinking about having a blog for the Terrier Team. Actually, since we have been involved in the organisation of a TREC blog track in 2006.

Recently, we have been encouraged by the very informative and interesting information retrieval-related discussions, taking place in blogs such as

From mere regular readers of information retrieval blogs, we thought that it is now the right time to become more actively involved in blogging. Hence the creation of this new forum, where we intend to post news about our research work and activities. We hope to share our thoughts on information retrieval research, and to engage in a dialogue with our fellow colleagues and friends.

We do hope that many of you will join us in this forum.


Daniel Tunkelang said...

Great to see you folks blogging--and thanks to Jeff for the heads up!

Iadh Ounis said...

Thanks Daniel,

Your blog sets the standard for us to follow.
