Thursday, January 22, 2009

Craig successfully defends his thesis

I am pleased to announce that last Thursday (15th January), I successfully defended my thesis, titled the Voting Model for People Search. I want to give many thanks to Iadh Ounis for supervising my PhD, and also to my committee: convener David Watt, and, in particular, to examiners Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Phil Gray, for the rewarding discussion and constructive feedback.

I have 4 weeks to make very minor corrections to my thesis, after which time it will be available online.


ssn said...

Congrats to Craig! Looking forward to reading it.

jeff.dalton said...

Congratulations on this incredible milestone!

Daniel Tunkelang said...

Congratulations!! I vote that you're an expert on expert search.

Anonymous said...

Nice going Craig. Congratulations.

Craig Macdonald said...

Hi guys, thanks for all your congratulations - they are very much appreciated!